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Sunday, 24 August 2014

The Leibster Award.

Hi everyone!
I have been nominated by my chummybum Kate to answer her 11 questions! I will leave the link to her wonderful little blog at the end of this :)

If you don't know what the Liebster Award is, the point is to discover new/small blogs and the rules are as follows:
- Answer the 11 questions given to you.
- Think of 11 questions.
- Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to answer the questions.
- You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
- You must let the people know that you've nominated them and link them to your post.

1) Dog or Cat person?
Dogs person.

2) If you could only wear leggings or jeans for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Leggings! I'm wearing them now and I own probably about 8 pairs cause I wear them almost everyday if it's not a PJ day! 

3) Favourite band/ singer?
This is a hard one between Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande.

4) What's a weird/ unusual thing you eat?
I like to have mash potato, with ketchup. 

5) Annoying habits?
I click my fingers whenever they get stiff.. which is a lot.

6) Favourite snack food?
Crisps, crisps, crisps.

7) You're at a theme park, are you the bag holder or the thrill seeker?!
Thrill seeker! I will go on almost any ride, apart from a haunted house or ghost train.

8) Nail varnish vs. no nail varnish
I'm very lazy with nail varnish, so if my nails are short, I will never wear it because I'd rather not show off stumpy nails.

9) Do you collect any weird things?
I like to collect perfume bottles, they're soooo prettyyyyyyy!

10) Guilty pleasure TV show?
I'd say friends, but I've put that in a previous blog post, so I think my most hidden TV show that I watch is probably Power Puff Girls whenever it's on..

11) Are you a book worm or do you prefer the film versions? 
It completely depends, I love films until I find out that it is based on a book, I then buy the book and never read it.. The only book - film I've ever read is The Fault in our Stars and I very much prefer the book to the film, but otherwise, I prefer films.

Okay those are the questions answered!! 
I don't really read any blogs on this site apart from my chummy, Kate. Soo, I nominate my friend Joe! He doesn't have a blog but I have nominated him to do this on his tumblr! :) 

My 11 Questions!!

1. Do you have a favourite guilty pleasure musical/play?
2. Do you have any siblings?
3. What is your favourite drink?
4. From a book, who is your favourite character and why?
5. Winter or summer?
6. What is your favourite hobby?
7. Do you enjoy writing?
8. Do you have any pets? If so how many and what do you have?
9. Favourite book you've ever read?
10. How would you describe your fashion sense?
11. Have you ever broken a bone?

Soph xoxo

Joe's Tumblr:
Chummys Blog: